For those of you who are looking at using IZigg as your mobile marketing platform, this is going to be great news for you. Izigg unlimited texting options on the enterprise package just dropped 25% in price. That is HUGE guys and anyone who is looking for an alternative source of advertising will be the key candidate to use this application.

Below is a update of the current IZigg pricing.

Mobile Business Card: $14.95 mo
Connect Package: $99.95 mo (2,000 outgoing messages with 2 keywords)
Connect Pro: $249.95 (5,000 outgoing messages with 5 keywords)
Enterprise Package: $2,000 $1,500 (unlimited messages, 10 keywords, 10 business centers)

Platinum charter package for those that are serious about their business and and want to get the biggest bang for their buck, you can spend a one time $2,495.95 and get unlimited text messaging for the year.

Please contact me if you have any questions about Izigg's mobile marketing platform or if you are interested in making money with the mobile business opportunity.

Patrick Moore