It’s well known that in the restaurant business, increasing customer loyalty is probably the single most important marketing goal. That’s because those repeat customers typically account for a large portion of your revenue, they already like your product, and they are your best “word of mouth” advertisers. But cultivating those relationships and creating successful loyalty programs has never been easy.

Well, until now of course.

RESTAURANT OWNERS TAKE NOTE: Mobile marketing leader iZigg has launched a new mobile promotion platform designed to take the local restaurant industry by storm!

Traditional restaurant marketing tactics usually include direct mail, newspaper and print ads, email, birthday programs, collecting business cards, special events, and the simple signs outside your door.

But with the launch of iZigg, restaurants can leverage an innovative and budget-friendly mobile marketing platform to build powerful customer loyalty programs like nothing they’ve seen before.

Take a look at how some local restaurants are already reaping the rewards from iZigg’s mobile marketing platform, compliments of the Michael Rutherford iZigg team:

“Sam, owner of Pickles Café and Deli in Carlsbad, CA, is not a technology expert. But within one day of having his iZigg mobile promotion account set up, he was a mobile media expert. Sam placed promotional placards over his store and asked his patrons to join his mobile VIP club to receive sandwich deals and daily specials. He’s received hundreds of opt-ins and has begun to build a system of delivering coupons on sandwiches, ½ off lunches and free bags of chips to his customer base almost every day.”

“He’s most excited about being able to set up his iZigg auto-responder to reflect today’s soup and sandwich of the day so that all of his customers can get that deal by just texting in.”

Senor Grubby’s Mexican Restaurant, owned by Justin Jachura in Carlsbad, CA, saw a total of 68 opt-ins in their very first day of using iZigg’s mobile promotion platform. Jachura took to Facebook and told his fans to opt-in to get specials on rolled tacos for the Fourth of July.”

Restaurants have no limit to what they can do with a mobile marketing service like iZigg. Here is just a sample:

  • Advertise your daily specials instantly
  • Offer free drink specials
  • Provide mobile coupons for “buy one get one free” (i.e. bring a friend)
  • Send exclusive offers for top customers (or VIP’s)
  • Create contests or a weekly giveaway
  • Have a special code that allow customers to make reservations
  • Receive orders for delivery

Through iZigg’s exclusive text message marketing service, you receive the instantly recognizable and universally sophisticated ‘90210’ text code, which eliminates the huge problem of trying to get customers to remember your code.

iZigg’s mobile marketing software is also extremely user-friendly, so even the biggest technophobe can become a mobile promotional expert in the space of just a few minutes. From local coffee shops and cafes to fine dining establishments, local restaurant owners across the country are going to see huge rewards by launching mobile marketing programs through iZigg.

Have other ideas for how local restaurants can increase their profits with iZigg? Share them here!