What is Izigg? Izigg is a mobile messaging and advertising module and works for small sized business all the way to corporate giants, not to mention many actors and musicians are starting to use Izigg. There is so much hype around this product, but does it really deserve all the attention and spotlight it is receiving. Is the product effective? Is it affordable for a business owner? Is it practical in a bad economy? The answer is yes. We are a just now entering into a new generation of advertising. Well, it's not necessarily new but not many people are aware of it. And that is mobile advertising. Until recently, only the larger corporations had access to this advertising source but over the last few years, the systems and information has been made available for others to buy their own text messaging short code and use it for advertising purposes. There could not be a better time for Izigg to enter the market place. Even though other companies have been using mobile marketing, I would venture to guess you can't name one of those companies.

We are at an amazing time right now. Traditional marketing is no longer effective and email marketing is practically dead. People are immune to all the advertising methods out there and this has left researchers and marketing analysts scratching their heads, trying to come up with an efficient advertising model. The answer is mobile marketing. Mobile marketing is the next generation of advertising and you will soon begin to see it pop up in more and more places.

We are ready to bring Izigg to the market place and save many industries that are in rapid decline. The cost is affordable and the results are undeniable. We have a product that every business can use and afford. We have a product that has proven results and we operate on a texting platform with the most popular 5 digit number in America.

If you are a business owner, I urge you to look into this. I am a marketing consultant and website developer for countries all over the world. I am privy to the various "new" marketing methods but I assure you nothing will be more powerful and effective than Izigg. Try Izigg out today.

Want to see a demo of Izigg. Grab your cell phone and text"Patrick" to "90210" and you will immediately receive my business card. Please contact me and I will help you get your Izigg mobile marketing campaign set up.