If you are reading this, chances are you are considering joining a Multi-Level Marketing, or direct sales, company, like iZigg Mobile Marketing. You may be asking yourself: “Is iZigg Mobile Marketing the right MLM opportunity for me?” Here are some things I propose you should think about:

#1 – iZigg Mobile Marketing has chosen to come to market using the Multi-Level Marketing business model instead of the more traditional corporation. Why? MLM companies forego much of the traditional advertising methods like TV, radio, magazines, and now, even the Internet and instead rely on individuals to sell the products and services to their contacts or networks. Because the “sales force” is now comprised of independent contractors, the MLM company limits its need to deal with day-to-day employee issues like payroll taxes in multiple states or countries, health insurance or other benefits, and other government regulations. So what does this choice mean to you? It means you have an opportunity to control your own financial destiny. With companies such as Mary Kay, Amway, Herbalife, Avon, Tupperware, and Pampered Chef leading the way, MLM has long been considered an opportunity for regular folks to join the ranks of the self-employed. MLM, when done correctly, is a way for individuals to control their own financial future. You are rewarded for working for yourself. There is no boss, no timeclock, no salary grade. If you work hard, on the right things, you will be rewarded.

#2 – iZigg Mobile Marketing is new. This is both a pro and a con. On the one hand, it’s unproven. There aren’t many companies aggressively pushing text messaging as a marketing vehicle and many business are not yet clamoring for the service. Is it because consumers aren’t ready or has the marketplace just not been presented with the right product yet? Time will tell. But for those who follow marketing trends, this appears to be an exciting opportunity to get in on a growing trend. iZigg seems to have all the right pieces in place — the right leadership, the right product, and the exclusive rights to short code 90210 — which position it ahead of the pack on an upward growing trend line. If they are right, and I for one have become convinced that they are, then this is a company to be involved with.

#3 – This is a “green” opportunity, with no inventory to store, no paperwork to shuffle, and, best of all for me, no dreaded required “autoship.” I have no fear of ending up with a basement full of hundreds if not thousands of dollars in unused products because I have to build up an “inventory” or I have to have a certain amount in personal sales to stay in the business. This is all electronic and web- and mobile phone-based. I paid a one-time annual fee and now I am positioned to make money for myself, not keep paying the company every month.

#4 – As an MLM entrepreneur, you must approach your chosen opportunity just as you would any business. You must focus on it – you will not magically recruit others or sell products without significant effort on your part. It must be a product that resonates with you and your personality. Success with MLM takes work. Period. It just may not be going to a set location for eight hours a day, but you still have to work. So it had better be something you enjoy. If you don’t wear make-up yourself, Mary Kay may not be the best choice. If you have no interest in wellness, don’t choose a liquid vitamin. Never go in your own kitchen? Don’t try to convince others to buy Tupperware. To be successful in MLM, just like in any sales job, you have to believe in the product and you have to be able to authentically show others the value. For me personally, I was looking for opportunities that allowed me to interact mostly with small business owners and allowed me to showcase my marketing skills. iZigg Mobile Marketing is a perfect fit for me.

#5 – The compensation plan is understandable and there are realistic levels. Plus, it incentivizes your upline to help you achieve success. Too many MLM plans out there actually encourage your upline to take credit for your sales for themselves, and there are too many MLM participants who are all too willing to maximize the compensation plan at your expense.

#6 – In many MLM organizations, it’s hard to ask for help. So far, the people I have interacted with who are getting involved with iZigg are professionals who act like professionals. There is a team concept around iZigg that is refreshing and motivating. My upline has been nothing but supportive and helpful, and I am building strong relationship with the people in my downline. We are collaborating on marketing ideas, we are sharing leads, we are encouraging and supporting each other. I know that whenever I hit an obstacle, which I will, guaranteed, I have people I can turn to who are willing to help me out.

Once you’ve chosen an MLM business, commit to work it on a consistent basis. Don’t quit or jump around to different opportunities. Master the one you have joined. Successful people in MLM pick a business that makes sense to them, develop a solid marketing and sales plan, stick to it, and work hard to earn their success.

We have everything you need to be successful with Izigg. Make sure to join in our weekly calls or webinars too get a sneak peak at Izigg. After our calls and webinars for Izigg, you will know what the product is, how it works in the marketplace and how you as a entrepreneur can go out and make a phenomenal income by helping build the izigg brand.

If you are ready to start your new future with Izigg, make sure to contact me and I will walk you through everything you need to know. Please continue checking back at the izigg blog as there will be plenty more updates and resources for you to build your izigg business. Make it a great day and we will see you soon

For a demo: Text "Patrick" to the number "90210"

You will also receive my contact information and can call or email if you like.

Patrick Moore



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