The worlds of Advertising and Marketing are constantly changing at an increasing tempo thanks to the life changing power of the Net. What was previously unimaginable just a number of years ago is now common, and mobile program designers are creating new ways of connecting people each day. Text message advertising is the newest method to contact prospective clients, as many small business owners and internet marketers are finding the advantages that cellular messaging can give.

Cellular devices are always available and looked at more frequently, so marketing aimed at them is more effective even than traditional online marketing techniques. There is no doubt that mobile marketing has turned out to be a key player in the marketing world and provides outstanding results. Multimedia Messaging Service advertisements up the bet, delivering media-rich ads that can be doubly effective. Reaching out to shoppers is very powerful on any stage, but it's quite possibly most useful when it comes to small business. Cellular marketing may be employed to replace many of the traditional advertising systems utilized in the past.

One of the main reasons that text-based mobile marketing is so effective is its ability to instantly communicate with prospective buyers. Nearly 90% of all Americans at present possess at least one cellular telephone. Out of that pool of customers, more than 68 million are regular text message users. Incredibly, 97% of text messages are read by the receiver, far outperforming every other form of promotion (direct mail is read 3% of the time or less). The potential of this new vehicle is without bounds. Text message advertising can help a company of any size expand its customer base and revenue.

Mastering the specific and distinctive methods needed to succeed with mobile messaging can be easier than Email, Google Adwords or contextual marketing, if you have a trusted and time tested guide, Patrick Moore @ has over five years of expertise in all areas of Internet Marketing and can show you the basics when it comes to text message marketing. While using the izigg Mobile Media Advertising platform, it's effortless to market and advertise any solution or program. IZigg allows the delivery of your message immediately to a large group of people. For a quick demonstration of the Izigg mobile solution, text "Patrick" to the number "90210" for a glimpse at how it all works and the best way to get started.

IZigg has many benefits for small business owners. IZigg also offers attractive bundles to companies making direct marketing by means of text message extremely affordable.

IZigg has packages suitable to businesses of all sizes.

(IMPORTANT: Get your own cellular business card today