Latest technology headline reads... Google acquires Admob for $750 million dollars. Here is the article if you want to read more.

Have you ever thought of using mobile marketing for your business? If the answer is no, here are just a couple of things to consider.

*86% of Americans own a mobile phone

*68.7 million are frequent text users

*97% of text messages are opened

*Text message marketing is the fastest and most efficient way to get a message delivered to a client or customer

Imagine having your business name or your product name as a keyword that people could text to, to receive discounts. In addition, you would receive their contact information every time they opted in to receive a discount, which then allows you to send a message to their phones anytime you want, reminding them of any special deals your business of currently offering. If you think about it, this is the most effective and cost efficient way that literally allows you to create business on demand. All you have to do is blast out a quick message to your customers phones and tell them about a limited time sale you are having. Then sit back and watch the traffic come in. There are several ways to implement mobile marketing in current advertising campaigns and we want to make sure you are properly educated and understand all the benefits and uses for mobile marketing. Make sure to visit our main website to learn more and please contact me if you have any questions. I would be happy to show you the many useful ways we can use mobile marketing to brand your business.

Contact Patrick @ 360-524-2001