The worlds of Advertising and Marketing are constantly changing at an accelerating pace thanks to the transformational power of the Internet. What was once unimaginable only a few years ago is now commonplace, and mobile application designers and developers are coming up with new ways of connecting people every day. Text message advertising is the latest way to reach potential customers, as many business owners and entrepreneurs are discovering the benefits that mobile messaging can offer.

Mainstream approaches to Online Advertising are already out of date and ineffective compared to SMS, text message based mobile marketing. It's truly the next generation of marketing and can generate amazing leads and an incredible Return on Investment for the time and effort put into it. Multimedia Messaging Service ads up the ante, delivering media-rich advertisements that can be doubly effective. Reaching out to consumers is incredibly powerful on any level, but it's quite possibly most effective when it comes to local business. Targeting potential customers in their own local geographic region, businesses are simply replacing the antiquated flyers of the 20th Century and delivering information to consumers right on their mobile phones.

One of the main reasons that text-based mobile marketing happens to be so effective is its ability to immediately connect with potential consumers. Consider the following: nearly 90% of all Americans currently own at least one mobile phone. Out of that pool of consumers, over 68 million are frequent text message users. And the best part is that 97% of all text messages sent are opened by the receiver! This unique situation presents almost limitless possibilities for interacting with potential buyers. It doesn't take a genius to see how this can benefit both local and national businesses in terms of generating leads and drumming up sales.

Mastering the particular and unique techniques required to succeed with mobile messaging can actually be easier than Email, Google Adwords or contextual marketing, if you have a trusted and time tested guide, Patrick Moore @ has over five years of experience in all areas of Online Marketing and can show you the ropes when it comes to the new field of text message advertising. Using the izigg Mobile Media Advertising platform, it's easy to market and advertise any product or service. With izigg, you're able to reach a huge audience and ensure your message is heard. For a quick demo of the Izigg mobile solution, text "Patrick" to the number "90210" for a look at how it all works and the best way to get started.

There are a number of reasons why Izigg is so powerful and effective for business owners and internet marketers. Other than being able to now send a targeted text message directly to someones cell phone, and other then having "90210" as our texting short code, we are also able to offer rates and packages that only few companies can offer including an unlimited messaging package for larger businesses, all the way up to huge corporations.

So no matter what size business you have or how many customers you regularly see, Izigg is sure to have a texting package that works for your business needs.

(IMPORTANT: Get your own mobile business card today