If you have been following my blog, you will know that I am crazy over Izigg. I have never seen such an effective advertising model and I sure have never seen a better opportunity for sales people and network marketers. Izigg is a great application for virtually any business and is an awesome tool for handing out business cards. But besides that, what else can Izigg be used for? I heard an interesting idea recently and wanted to get everyone's opinion on it. "A celebrity offered to randomly select one person a day, that opts in for her izigg mobile card and will talk to them for an hour each day. This is a great way to generate opt ins because this person has a huge fan base and many people will opt in. And in return, this celebrity can now send a message to their fan's phones any time they want. They can remind them about events, they can tell them to go to their website they can pretty much market anything they want to them at any time. Do you like that idea? Do you have a better one? Comment below and let everyone know what you think? The person with the best idea will win $25. There is no time limit on this contest. As soon as I see a brilliant idea, the contest could end. Post your comments below